living rules and simple tips
Hello friends, welcome to Happy Life, today we will talk
about our health, how we can be healthy for a long time, friends, if we want to
be healthy for a long time, then it is very important for us to know three
things and these are three things.
What are the rules of being healthy?
What are the things necessary to stay healthy?
What should one eat to be healthy?
So let us understand the above facts in detail.
What are the rules of being healthy?
Friends, if we always want to be healthy then some rules
must be followed like
healthy living rules for happy life |
1. Waking up before sunrise every morning should not stay
awake for long, waking up early in the morning gives extra energy to the brain
and keeps the mind fresh, due to which the blood pressure of our body is also
balanced and we are also safe from other diseases.
2. We must do exercise or yoga regularly every day, yoga
protects our body from all diseases and our body also remains healthy and
3. If you always want to be healthy and young, then always
make it a habit to walk in the morning and in the evening, because by walking
every morning and evening, the blood circulation of our body is balanced
smoothly and the digestive system also remains strong.
4. As much as clean water is necessary for our body, fresh
air and fresh morning sunlight is also very important, to keep our body
healthy, always take clean water, fresh air, and morning sunlight, apart from
this, we should always eat fresh food.
5. If the body is to be healthy and the mind always happy,
then yoga and pranayama should be done every morning.
6. Meditate for 10 minutes, meditation brings concentration
in the mind and gives mental peace
7. Whenever you have to go out of the house in strong
sunlight, the bright light of the sun coming out of the house only by wearing
dark glasses on the eyes causes more damage to the eyes.
8. While taking a bath, one should always take a bath with
lukewarm water, the water should neither be too hot nor too cold, while taking
a bath, water should be poured on the head first and then on other parts.
9. Twice a day we should clean our teeth, one in the morning
and then before going to sleep at night we should clean our teeth, otherwise,
due to food particles getting stuck in the teeth, tooth decay starts and from
the tooth There can be many related diseases
10. Eating very hot and hot food causes damage to both the
teeth and the digestive power. Indigestion is caused by overeating and this is
the root of many diseases.
11. One who should not lie on the bed immediately after
having a meal, but should take rest only after a short walk
12 Whenever you wash your face, splash cold water on your
eyes, it will make your eyesight brighter
13 Smoke incense sticks, camphor or sandalwood in your house
every day for some time, it purifies the atmosphere of the house. And positive
energy remains in the house and the effect of negative energy in the house
14. Every morning after waking up, half a liter of water
should be drunk from work.
15. Whenever you go to your bed to sleep, wash your feet
thoroughly with water and wipe it with a clean towel, it helps in fast and deep
16. It is also very beneficial to walk barefoot on green dusk
every morning, it improves eyesight. Due to the pressure of the cow on the feet
and contact with the earth, many diseases are automatically cured.
17. Seven to eight liters of water must be drunk during the
day from work to work, due to this all the dirt of the body comes out from the
urethra and there is a risk of diseases in our body.
18. Waking up late in the night and waking up late in the
morning is harmful for the health, so sleep early at night and make a habit of
getting up early in the morning.
19. Fasting strengthens our digestive power, that is why
fasting must be done once a week, it also increases our self-confidence and the
mind remains pure and gets freedom from many diseases.
20. If you can always keep your mind calm while eating, then
eat food only by sitting on the ground and chewing the food properly.
21. Twice in a month, a few drops of oil should be put in
your ears, it does not settle in the ears and the ears remain clean.
22. The items of daily use of all the members of the
household should be separate such as towels, combs, etc. One should not use
each other's items.
23.. Most of us are completely ignorant about the way of
breathing. So make a habit of taking long and deep breaths.
What are
the things necessary to stay healthy?
healthy living rules for happy life |
24. Eyes are the most delicate part of our body, we should
always take care of its safety, seeing more mobile, computer etc. has a bad
effect on the eyes and feet and the eyesight becomes weak, if you work on the
computer, then try that computer continuously. Do not sit in front of the face,
take some rest in between and wash the eyes frequently with cold water.
25. We should always read good books and read biography of
great people so that we always have positive thoughts and we stay focused on
our goal.
26. Our health is closely related to the way we sit, we
should always keep the back and neck straight while sitting, due to this the
blood flow remains smoothly.
27. One should neither exercise more than capacity nor do
excessive physical and mental exertion because working too hard leads to
physical exhaustion and mental stress, due to which the body can become
28. Whenever you come home after walking in the strong sun of
the outside, then one should not take bath immediately.
What should
one eat to be healthy?
healthy living rules for happy life |
29. Drink a glass of milk every morning
30. Older people should take only one meal in a day and the
rest of the time should eat milk and salad only.
31. While having food, one should always keep his mind calm
and happy and focus his attention only on eating.
32. Always have dinner three hours before bedtime
33. Seven to eight liters of water must be drunk during the
day from work to work, due to this all the dirt of the body comes out from the
urethra and there is a risk of diseases in our body.
34. Older people should not eat oil, ghee, and much salt,
instead they should eat green vegetables, fruits, and light digestive food.
35. Excess fatty food, smoking and non-vegetarian food are
harmful for the heart and body. They increase cholesterol in the blood. They
are also responsible for obesity and weight gain.
36. Any intoxication, it is injurious to our health because
the person who is intoxicated becomes physically and mentally ill and also
becomes financially weak, so always stay away from intoxication.
37. A person who wakes up in the morning and goes to the
toilet regularly, eats food on time and sleeps early at night is prosperous,
healthy and intelligent.
38. Fruits should be consumed one or two hours before the
meal. Fruits should not be consumed after meals because fruits are ripe and
they do not take much time to digest. Fruits should not be consumed at night.
39. The
healthy living rules for happy life |
food should be chewed and eaten properly.
40. Avoid spicy food or spicy food
Friends, you have come to know these 40 rules to be healthy for a
long time, if you also include some of these rules in your daily routine,
then you will always be healthy and
young for a long time and no disease
will touch you.
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