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How to set goals
A goal setting for 2022

A goal setting theory  in Life

If we look around us, we will find many such people from whom you will ask what they are doing at this time, then their answer will be that nothing is just passing the day, such people neither have any goal nor any enthusiasm in them. It happens ! Friends, if we want to live life properly, then it is very important to have a goal in our life, even if you do not have any goal now, but soon after thinking and thinking, you can set a goal for yourself.

What is the goal setting definition ?

Every person has a dream of his own and it can be different in every person, the strong desire to make this dream come true is called his goal. One who works hard to fulfill this dream achieves his goal.



Are goals setting is  important?

1. Goals make our life easy - Life is not easy for any human being, struggle has to be faced at every stage of life. No matter how great a person may be, they too have had to pay the price for their greatness. Life can be made easier!

How to set goals
Goals make our life easy 

   All you need is a right goal. First of   all, you choose the right goal in your   life because all the great people of   the world have chosen the right goal   in their life, understood and held it,   only then today we all remember   such personalities.

2. Aim gives the right direction to life - A life without a goal is like a kite without a string which does not know in which direction to fly. She wanders here and there and eventually falls at any place. Such is our life, if life is not a goal, then life also keeps wandering here and there like a kite and in the end it falls. Therefore, it is very important to have a goal in life to give the right direction to life.

How to set goals

3. The goal increases the capacity of the person - The person who has the goal, his mind develops very fast and he progresses a lot in his life.



how to set goals

How to set goals

                    how to set goals

You should decide your dream goals according to your interest. First of all, you have to know in which position you want to see yourself in the future and what you will have to do to reach that position, this will be the answer to your question and also determining your goal.

We all may have different goals like earning a lot of money or  earning a name may be the goal of a student, it may be the goal of an employee to get 90 percent marks in the final exam, it may be the goal of an employee to get promotion better than his performance. Similarly, everyone's goals can be different. Therefore, you should determine your goal according to your interest and your desire, before setting a goal, you should definitely ask yourself some questions!

1. What do you want to be in your life or  do what you want with your life

2. Whoever you want to be or why do you want to be? How will it affect your future!

3. What will have to be done and what will be the plan to reach the goal!

4. What are the difficulties that can come in achieving the goal and how will you get out of all those situations.

In this way you can set your goal for 2022 and when you have set your goal then put all your attention in achieving that goal.

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